Ehdot ja aikataulut
Vakioehdot paketeille ja lavoille
Standard terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/05-2025
Service terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/05-2025
Standard terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/01-2025
Service terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/01-2025
Changes for the terms and conditions
Vakioehdot paketeille ja lavoille
Standard terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/05-2025
Service terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/05-2025
Standard terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/01-2025
Service terms and conditions for Bring E-commerce & Logistics from 01/01-2025
Changes for the terms and conditions
Overview of changes from 01/05-2025
Overview of changes from 1/1-2025
Pakettilähetykset yksityishenkilöille - PickUp Parcel
Yksityishenkilöiden pakettipalautukset - PickUp Parcel Return